Simple, flexible node.js form module with casting and validation; highly inspired by mongoose
Formal is a Form module for node.js inspired by mongoose, Formal provides casting, validation and much more!
DRY! If you use Mongoose, use Formal-Mongoose to define your form from an existing schema.
var Form = require('formal');
var form = new Form({
name: {
family: String,
first: {
type: [String],
set: function(val) {return val.split(' ');}
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
match: [/^[a-z0-9._-]+@[a-z0-9.-]{2,}[.][a-z]{2,3}$/, 'email'],
attributes: {
type: 'email'
age: {type: Number, min: 18}
}, {
errors: {
// custom error message for match validator
email: 'Value is not a valid email'
name: {family: 'Martinez'},
'name.first': 'José Luis Chavez',
age: 12
form.validate(function (err) {
console.log(err); // missing required email, age to low
console.log(form.get('name.first.0')); // José
console.log(form.export()); // data with nice error messages
npm install formal --save
This module focus on form field casting and validation, with suppports for advanced path definition.
Summary of the most useful methods.
For a complete list see gh-pages documentation.
var form = new Form({
username: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true
password: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true
}, {
errors: {
required: 'Please fill out this field'
dataSources: ['body', 'query', 'params'], // sources of data used by the route-middleware
autoTrim: false, // automatically add trim options to fields
autoLocals: true, // form.middleware adds form.export + validation results to res.locals
errors: { // default errors message, can be extanded to match your own error type
required: 'This is a required field',
min: 'Value must be greater than or equal to <%= data.min %>',
max: 'Value must be less than or equal to <%= data.max %>',
For connect and express calling the constructor function will operate as a shorthand which return
the result of form.middleware()
which will monkey patch the request and the response object.
var form = require('formal');'/url',
// sames as (new Form({...})).middleware()
username: String
function (req, res) {
Define and add a new field to the form.
example: {
'of.a.nested.field': String
Set values.
username: 'nrako'
form.set('example.of.a.nested.field', 'overboard nested path example');
Return a value with getters applied.
console.log(form.get('username')); //nrako
Return tree data with getters applied
console.log(form.getData()); // Object
Validate all fields and return an ValidationError object, if any, via the callback function.
form.validate(function(err) {
console.log(err) // ValidationError object
: a ValidationError object returned by from.validate
Export and return an object which includes all friendly message error when error
template message is defined in options.errors
form.validate(function(err) {
var result = form.export(err);
console.log(result.username.value); // nrako
console.log(result.password.error); // Please fill out this field
Provide a route-middleware à la connect/express which will monkey patch
the request.form
and response.locals.form
username: String
function (req, res) {
Custom error message within the result of form.export(errors)
are available with the form options.errors
Error message must be a valid lodash string template which is populate with the field content.
var form = new Form({
a: {
type: String,
validate: [/^a/i, 'startWithA']
b: {
type: String,
validate: [/^b/i, 'startWithB']
}, {
errors: {
'startWithA': 'Value <%= value %> should start with "a"'
form.option('errors', {startWithB: 'Value <%= value %> should start with "b"'})
form.set({a: 'Babar', 'b': 'Basile'});
form.validate(function (err) {
var result = form.export(err);
See the tests for more examples.
npm test
Mocha Coveragenpm run-script coverage
All tests are in Coffee-script, hence easy to read! Provides a great way to understand the API ;)